ACB, OMG, WTF w. America Ferrera, Julissa Arce & Rep. Gwen Moore | Crooked Media
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October 01, 2020
ACB, OMG, WTF w. America Ferrera, Julissa Arce & Rep. Gwen Moore

In This Episode

We’re still reeling! This week Erin Ryan and Alyssa Mastromonaco react to Tuesday night’s debates and break down Amy Coney Barrett’s extremely un-Ginsburg-y judicial record. Next, Congresswoman Gwen Moore joins to discuss the GOP’s continued efforts to suppress the vote in the midwest. Then, actress and activist America Ferrera and Julissa Arce stop by to discuss She Se Puede and the why politicians need to invest in the latinx community all year round. And finally we get petty, because it’s been a week!


Julissa’s series “La Historia Uncovered

She Se Puede