In This Episode
Phil Spagnuolo is a state representative in New Hampshire and someone who has personally struggled with opioid addiction. Last year, he flipped the seat from red to blue for the very first time in the history of that state. During the campaign for the 2016 election, Trump came to New Hampshire and made a lot of claims about the opioid epidemic and his plans to solve it. As you might have guessed, there’s been no progress on this issue from the Trump administration. But there has been progress from Phil Spagnuolo. He’s a certified substance misuse recovery coach who founded his own clinic.
Phil says he’s here today, alive on this earth, because of Medicaid. And now he’s in a position to defend Medicaid from the inside so that it can help other people stay alive.
Here is my conversation with State Representative Phil Spagnuolo about his own battle with addiction, what he’s learned, and what he’s trying to teach his colleagues.
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Produced by Brock Wilbur
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