In This Episode
As they wait for Iowa caucus results, Jon, Jon, Tommy and Dan talk about what went wrong in the first contest in the nomination process, what it means for the caucus moving forward and how the candidates move on from here, even as they learn more about the delegate counts.
Show Notes
Iowa’s caucus mishap
- NYT: Why Did Iowa Make the Caucuses So Complicated?
- Slate: How Do the Iowa Democratic Caucuses Work?
- Vox: How the Iowa caucus results will actually work — and why 2020’s could be more confusing than ever
- Politico: 2020’s first election security test: Iowa
- NYT: A Systemwide Disaster’: How the Iowa Caucuses Melted Down
- Politico: Iowa Dems say they plan to release caucus results later Tuesday
- WSJ: Iowa’s Tally-by-App Experiment Fails
- NBC News: Iowa caucus app: Iowa Democratic Party blames ‘coding issue’ for results delay
- CNN: Nevada Democratic Party abandons problematic app used in Iowa caucuses
- WaPo: Local officials warned state party of issues with app last week, Polk County
- Democratic chair says
- WaPo: Polk County Democratic officials said they tried to deliver results in person but
- were turned away
- WaPo: Democratic caucus organizer said he waited hours to report results
- Politico: ‘It’s a total meltdown’: Confusion seizes Iowa with no official results in sight
- Vox: Technical difficulties in Iowa caucuses lead to widespread confusion, delayed results
- WaPo: The Cybersecurity 202: Iowa caucus debacle shakes public confidence in 2020 security
- WaPo: Social media was a cesspool of toxic Iowa conspiracy theories last night. It’s only going to get worse.
- Vox: Why you can trust the Iowa caucus results once they’re released
- WSJ: Iowa Caucuses to Be Testing Ground for Efforts to Protect Voting From Hackers
Candidates & results
- CNN: Pete Buttigieg claimed victory in Iowa before any results were reported
- Politico: Buttigieg races to push narrative that he won Iowa despite no official results
- Politico: Bernie and Buttigieg elbow each other with claims of leads in Iowa
- Vox: Sanders and Buttigieg put out preliminary Iowa caucus results showing they both did well
- CNN: The Warren campaign will provide photos and other data to Iowa Democratic Party
- Business Insider: Biden’s rivals in Iowa are starting to release their own caucus results showing him in a ‘distant 4th’
- NYT: Amy Klobuchar’s Caucus-Day in Iowa Visit Pays Off
- NBC: Iowa caucuses turnout: Entrance poll shows dip in first-timers
- WaPo: An epic breakdown in Iowa casts a spotlight on the caucus system
- Politico: The Death of Iowa
- NBC: So far, there’s only one loser in Iowa: The state’s Democratic Party
- Vox: “A total mess”: Critics call for an end to Iowa’s first-in-the-nation status
- CNN: The Iowa caucuses just died forever