September 19, 2018
Pod Save The World
John Kerry: Recording for Duty

In This Episode
Tommy (with an assist from Jon Favreau) talks with former Secretary of State John Kerry about Iran, Israel, Trump’s attacks and what he learned from the 2004 presidential campaign about how to respond to fake news.
Show Notes:
- Washington Post: John Kerry’s memoir shows his weakness. That’s what makes it so strong – Op-Ed
- Washington Post: Trump takes another shot at John Kerry for meetings with Iranian official
- Slate: Every Day Is Extra
- CNN: Kerry says Trump’s Iran strategy ‘very dangerous and ill-advised’
- CBS News: John Kerry on midterms and moving America in “a better direction”
- Politico: Why Is Trump’s State Department Stealing Ideas from Old Spice Commercials?
- Bloomberg: For John Kerry, Every Brag is Humble
- NPR: In ‘Every Day Is Extra,’ John Kerry Focuses On His Time In The Political Arena
- The Guardian: Every Day is Extra review: John Kerry on Vietnam, Syria, Paris, Iran … and Trump
- New York Times: John Kerry Recounts a Life Full of Incident (and a Few Regrets) in ‘Every Day Is Extra’