In This Episode
The President ignores the law and Congress in an effort to shut down further investigations, the federal government is woefully unprepared for future election sabotage, and former Vice President Joe Biden officially enters the Democratic primary. Then Mother Jones’s Ari Berman talks to Dan about the Supreme Court case over Trump’s effort to rig the Census in favor of Republicans. Also – Pod Save America is going on tour! Get your tickets now: crooked.com/events.
Show Notes:
Trump ups the obstruction
- Washington Post: Trump’s defiance puts pressure on Congress’s ability to check the president.
- New York Times: Trump Vows Stonewall of ‘All’ House Subpoenas, Setting Up Fight Over Powers
- New York Times: Did Trump Obstruct Justice? Mueller Didn’t Say, but Left a Trail to the Answer
- New York Times: Treasury Delays Decision on Whether to Release Trump’s Tax Returns to May 6
- Washington Post: Trump suggests Mueller ‘checked my taxes,’ despite no mention of them in report
- CNN: Treasury misses deadline to turn over Trump tax returns, says decision coming May 6
- Bloomberg: How Trump’s Tax Returns Could Become Public
- Washington Post: Trump says he is opposed to White House aides testifying to Congress, deepening power struggle with Hill
- Vox: Trump sues House Democrats to stop them from getting his financial records
- Washington Post: Trump says he would ask Supreme Court to intervene if Democrats move to impeach him
- The Atlantic: Trump Is Now in Open Defiance of Congress
- New York Times: Victor or Victim? Trump’s Changing Response to Mueller Report
- Washington Post: A reader’s guide to all of Trump’s fights with Congress
- Washington Post: How the Trump White House shot itself in the foot on Don McGahn
- Washington Post: Justice Department refuses to comply with congressional subpoena for testimony on citizenship question and 2020 Census
- New York Times: Mueller Report Reveals Trump’s Fixation on Using Law Enforcement to Target a Rival
- CNN: Democrats look to courts as White House stonewalls on subpoenas
- Washington Post: House Democrats grapple with how to respond to Trump’s refusal to cooperate with investigations
- New York Times: Democrats Ask and Trump Says No, Signaling a Bitter Fight Ahead
- Politico Magazine: Democrats Should Leave McGahn Alone. At Least for Now.
- Bloomberg: Democrats Consider Fines for Trump Officials Who Spurn Subpoenas
- New York Times: Divided on Impeachment, Democrats Wrestle With Duty and Politics
- New York Times: Is Obstruction an Impeachable Offense? History Says Yes
- Washington Post: Hillary Clinton: Mueller documented a serious crime against all Americans. Here’s how to respond. – Op-Ed
Russia’s coming back in 2020
- New York Times: In Push for 2020 Election Security, Top Official Was Warned: Don’t Tell Trump
- CNN: ‘Like pulling teeth’ to get White House to focus on Russian election interference, official says
- Politico: Justice Department filing contradicts Kushner’s view of Russia threat
- New York Times: Jared Kushner Dismisses Russian Election Interference as ‘Couple of Facebook Ads’
- New York Magazine: The Biggest Threat to American Democracy in 2020 Will Be Trump, Not Russia
- The Atlantic: Trump Refuses to Defend the United States
- The Atlantic: America Is Fine With Collusion
- USA Today: Mueller report: 5 things to know about Russian interference in U.S. elections
- Roll Call: Mueller report is a reminder that Russian hack hit House races, too
- Washington Post: Jared Kushner’s remarkably unremarkable effort to downplay Russian interference
- Washington Post: Mueller report highlights scope of election security challenge
- Miami Herald: Mueller says the FBI thinks Russians hacked a Florida county. The FBI says… nothing
- Mother Jones: New Revelations in Maria Butina Case Highlight Russia’s Infiltration Efforts in 2016
- NBC News: Trump campaign won’t commit to staying away from hacked material
- Washington Post: Democrats press GOP House campaigns to steer clear of hacked materials
- BuzzFeed: Democrats’ Top Super PAC Has Pledged Not To Use Hacked Materials In The 2020 Campaign
- Vox: No one knows what Joe Biden thinks about health care
- Reuters: Minorities, older adults boost Biden atop 2020 Democratic field: Reuters/Ipsos poll
- NBC News: Poll: Democratic voters aren’t putting a premium on the diversity of their presidential nominee
- The Atlantic: Joe Biden Is Running for President
- Politico: Inside Biden’s battle plan
- Washington Post: Why Joe Biden? – Plumline
- New York Times: The Democratic Electorate on Twitter Is Not the Actual Democratic Electorate
- CNN: Here’s why you can’t discount Joe Biden’s early polling lead
- New York Times: Joe Biden Plans to Enter the 2020 Race on Thursday. He’s Starting With $0.
- CNN: A Biden 2020 candidacy would confront Democratic Party with its past
- Washington Post: Biden’s tough talk on 1970s school desegregation plan could get new scrutiny in today’s Democratic Party
- Washington Post: Is the new Democratic Party too woke to nominate Joe Biden? – Op-Ed
- FiveThirtyEight: What Happens If Biden Doesn’t Run — Or Flops?
- FiveThirtyEight: Joe Biden Supporters Are Older And More Moderate — And Sticking With Him So Far
- CNN: Biden’s team was warned about announcing 2020 bid on same day as forum focused on women of color
- Associated Press: Beto O’Rourke, other white candidates face ‘woke litmus test’ when they visit Texas
- Vox: Progressives should worry more about the odds that Joe Biden will win
- The Hill: Cindy McCain weighs in on Biden report: ‘No intention’ of getting involved in race
- Daily Beast: The View’s’ Meghan McCain Goes Off On Biden Accusers: ‘This Is a Hatchet Job’
- Mediate: Meghan McCain Defends Biden Amid Criticism of Anita Hill Remarks: Dems Cannibalizing Each Other Helps Trump
- New York Times: Beto O’Rourke Is 46. Bernie Sanders Is 77. Does Age Matter Anymore for Democrats?
- Washington Post: The emerging demographic divides in support for 2020 Democrats – Analysis by Philip Bump
- FiveThirtyEight: Joe Biden’s And Bernie Sanders’s Support Isn’t Just About Name Recognition
- FiveThirtyEight: We Asked Democratic Activists Who They’re Backing — And Who They’d Hate To See Win
- UNH Granite State Poll
- Washington Post: The Trailer: What a 17-way race in North Carolina says about the GOP
Ari Berman
- Democracy Now: Supreme Court Appears Set to OK Census Citizenship Question Despite Risk of Undercounting Millions
- Mother Jones: In Census Case, Supreme Court Suddenly Cares a Lot About Voting Rights Act
- Mother Jones: The Supreme Court Could Shift Power to Republicans for the Next Decade
- Mother Jones: A Second Federal Court Just Struck Down the 2020 Census Citizenship Question
- Mother Jones: Judge Strikes Down Controversial Citizenship Question on 2020 Census
- Mother Jones: Trial Over Census Citizenship Question Kicks Off Amid Revelation of Trump Administration Deception
- NPR: Republican Voter Suppression Efforts Are Targeting Minorities, Journalist Says
- Mother Jones: New Documents Undercut Commerce Secretary’s Claims About Origins of Census Citizenship Question
- Mother Jones: Hidden Figures: How Donald Trump Is Rigging the Census
- GQ: How Trump Plans to Use the Census to Make a Fake America
- Mother Jones: Trump Administration Creates Census Crisis With Move to Suppress Immigrant Responses
- New York Magazine: How Disastrous Is Adding a Citizenship Question to the Census?
- New York Times: How the Supreme Court’s Decision on the Census Could Alter American Politics
- SCOTUS Blog: Argument analysis: Divided court seems ready to uphold citizenship question on 2020 census
- SCOTUS Blog: A “view” from the courtroom: Counting to five
- Slate: The Supreme Court Is Poised to Shred Its Credibility to Let Trump Rig the Census
- The Atlantic: A Supreme Court Case That Will Affect Every Aspect of National Life
- Reuters: Companies warn Trump: Census citizenship question could be costly
- NPR: Trump Administration’s Census Citizenship Question Plans Halted By 3rd Judge
- NPR: Citizenship Question May Be ‘Major Barrier’ To 2020 Census Participation
- Mother Jones: New Documents Show the Census Bureau Ignored Its Own Experts When It Added a Citizenship Question
- Brennan Center for Justice: Why The Census Asking About Citizenship Is Such A Problem