“Pierre Delecto, Welcome to the Resistance.” | Crooked Media
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October 21, 2019
Pod Save America
“Pierre Delecto, Welcome to the Resistance.”

In This Episode

Trump cancels his plan to host the G7 at his struggling hotel amid growing Republican criticism on everything from Ukraine to Syria, Pete Buttigieg is making moves in Iowa, and AOC endorses Bernie. MSNBC’s Chris Hayes joins as a guest co-host, and then Susan Rice chats with Tommy and Ben about her new book, Tough Love.

Show notes

Trump’s “Season of Weakness”   

  • WaPo: Trump’s season of weakness: A president who prizes strength enters key stretch in a fragile state
  • NBC News: ‘I never saw that’: Secretary of State Mike Pompeo on Mulvaney quid pro quo admission
  • Daily Beast: Mick Mulvaney Melts Down Under Brutal Grilling By Fox’s Chris Wallace
  • Politico: Trump can’t stop bragging to foreign leaders about his resorts
  • WSJ: Trump Backtracks on Decision to Host G-7 Meeting at His National Doral Resort
  • Axios: G7 backflip: Trump says his Florida resort will no longer host summit
  • WaPo: Trump says his Doral golf resort will no longer host next year’s G-7 summit, bowing to criticism
  • WaPo: Trump’s season of weakness: A president who prizes strength enters key stretch in a fragile state
  • Politico: After backlash, Trump says his Doral resort won’t host G-7 summit
  • CNN: Appeals court revives emoluments lawsuit against Trump
  • WaPo: Trump was already violating the emoluments clause. Grabbing the G-7 is even worse.
  • Slate: Trump’s Doral G-7 Self-Deal Is Worthy of Impeachment All on Its Own
  • NYT: Mick Mulvaney Struggles to Explain Comments on Ukraine
  • NPR: Mulvaney Walks Back Ukraine Remarks, Admits It Wasn’t A ‘Perfect Press Conference’
  • Axios: Mulvaney attempts to clean up comments on Ukraine quid pro quo
  • CNN: Mulvaney says he and Trump didn’t discuss him resigning following defiant press conference
  • Politico: ‘Mulvaney needs to learn when to stop talking’: Mick on thin ice after bungled briefing
  • Al Jazeera: WH admits strings attached in Trump withholding Ukraine aid
  • CNN: Republican jitters grow over Trump in ‘turning point’ week
  • Politico: GOP congressman who was open to impeachment calls it quits
  • WaPo: Mitch McConnell: Withdrawing from Syria is a grave mistake
  • WaPo: Growing number of Republicans struggle to defend Trump on G-7 choice, Ukraine and Syria
  • Politico: Trump keeps tabs on GOP senators as impeachment threat looms
  • WaPo: Romney denounces Trump’s Syria decision as a ‘bloodstain’ on U.S. history
  • NYT: Trump Lashes Out on Syria as Republicans Rebuke Him in House Vote
  • NBC News: House overwhelmingly votes bipartisan condemnation of Trump withdrawal of U.S. troops from Syria
  • CBS News: GOP senators criticize Trump over Syria comments and policy
  • Politico: The revenge of the State Department
  • NBC News: House Democrats call five more Trump officials to testify in impeachment inquiry
  • NYT: Trump’s Impeachment Blockade Crumbles as Witnesses Agree to Talk
  • CNN: Diplomats angry and afraid as Ukraine controversy embroils Pompeo’s State Department
  • NYT: Echoes of Benghazi Criticism and Anger Confront Pompeo in Ukraine Inquiry
  • PBS News: How do congressional subpoenas work?


  • The Atlantic: The Best Thing to Happen to Bernie Sanders’s Campaign
  • Politico: AOC’s Sanders Endorsement Won’t Change 2020. But It Might Change the Democratic Party.
  • NYT: Proclaiming ‘I Am Back,’ Bernie Sanders Accepts Ocasio-Cortez Endorsement
  • Politico: ‘I am back’: Sanders tops Warren with massive New York City rally
  • FiveThirtyEight: How The AOC And Omar Endorsements Could Matter
  • NYT: Ilhan Omar Endorses Bernie Sanders, and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Will Do So as Well
  • CNN: Why Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez endorsed Bernie Sanders
  • NPR: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Says Bernie Sanders’ Heart Attack Was A ‘Gut Check’ Moment
  • NBC News: ‘I am back!’ Sanders declares at campaign rally with AOC 
  • CBS: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez says endorsing Bernie Sanders was an “authentic decision” 
  • NYT: Why Ocasio-Cortez Is Endorsing Sanders
  • The Nation: AOC Knows What She’s Doing
  • The Week: Pete Buttigieg, Amy Klobuchar continue criticizing Warren over Medicare-for-All
  • The New Yorker: Pete Buttigieg Talks Impeachment, Health Care, and the Political Spectrum
  • WaPo: How Klobuchar and Buttigieg can retain momentum
  • NY Mag: Why Pete Buttigieg Came Out Swinging at the Fourth Debate
  • Politico: Buttigieg backed ‘Medicare for All’ in 2018 tweet
  • CNN: Buttigieg says Warren more specific about ‘selfies’ than health care plan
  • NYT: ‘Medicare for All’: Elizabeth Warren and Pete Buttigieg Clash at Debate
  • CNN: Buttigieg puts money behind digital ad knocking ‘Medicare for All’ Democrats by name
  • CNN: Pete Buttigieg dismisses claim that Tulsi Gabbard is a ‘Russian asset’
  • The Atlantic: How Hillary Clinton Boosted Tulsi Gabbard
  • Axios: Tulsi Gabbard on Hillary Clinton claims: “She knows she can’t control me” 
  • AP: Tulsi Gabbard elevated in Iowa by Clinton spat
  • WaPo: Battle lines drawn after Clinton and Gabbard exchange insults
  • NYT: Tulsi Gabbard Lashes Back at Hillary Clinton After Claim of Russian Influence
  • NYT: What, Exactly, Is Tulsi Gabbard Up To?