In This Episode
Trump partially reverses his family separation policy with an executive order that leads to more chaos and confusion, and Republicans take another run at repealing Obamacare and gutting Medicare. Then Democratic candidate for governor Stacey Abrams talks to Tommy and Dan about her historic candidacy and how she plans to turn Georgia blue.
Show Notes:
Family Separations:
- Vox: The executive order Trump claims will end family separation, explained
- New York Times: Trump Retreats on Separating Families, but Thousands May Remain Apart
- Washington Post: Trump signs order ending his policy of separating families at the border, but reprieve may be temporary
- Wall Street Journal: Trump Retreats After Fury Over Border Separations
- WSJ: The Immigration Issue in Eight Charts
- New York Times: Explaining Trump’s Executive Order on Family Separation
- Politico: Family separations will persist under Trump’s order
- Texas Tribune: For families who have already been separated, policy change doesn’t guarantee reunification
- Washington Post: Fact-checking claims about Trump’s plan to stop family separations
- Vox: The 2,300 migrant kids already separated won’t immediately be reunited with parents
- Vox: Why keeping families together in immigration detention might not be much of a solution
- New York Times: Hundreds of Separated Children Have Quietly Been Sent to New York
- Detroit Free Press: Torn from immigrant parents, 8-month-old baby lands in Michigan
- Washington Post: The trauma of separation lingers long after children are reunited with parents
- BuzzFeed: “It’s Haunting”: Officials Describe “Tender Age” Shelters For The Youngest Immigrants Separated From Their Families
- AP News: Young immigrants detained in Virginia center allege abuse
Why did Trump partially reverse himself here?:
- Axios: 1 big thing: The biggest blunder of the Trump presidency
- Politico: The day Trump caved
- Washington Post: For Trump, what mattered most in creating, and addressing, the family separation crisis was looking strong
- Washington Post: Trump and Kirstjen Nielsen’s embarrassing surrender on separating families at the border
How damaging is this for Trump?
- New York Times: Republicans Dislike Separating Families. But They Like ‘Zero Tolerance’ More
- New York Times: G.O.P. Lawmakers Hope Trump’s Border Action Heads Off Political Threat
- Texas Tribune: UT/TT Poll: Most Texas voters oppose family separation at the border, with greater support among men and Republicans
- Axios: Exclusive poll: Spike in immigration interest
- Vox: Republicans are starting to worry that voters will punish them for family separations
- Vox: Polls: Trump’s family separation policy is very unpopular — except among Republicans
- FiveThirtyEight: Why Rank-And-File Evangelicals Aren’t Likely To Turn On Trump Over Family Separation
- Washington Post: Trump lost a battle on family separations, but his immigration war continues
- CNN: Trump defends immigration decision at Minnesota rally: ‘The border is going to be just as tough’
- Wall Street Journal: Fundraising Efforts for Immigrant Families Accelerated by Facebook, Crowdsourcing
- New York Times: Airlines Ask Government Not to Use Their Flights to Carry Children Separated at the Border
- Politico: RNC chair, Labor secretary cancel on Latino conference
What happens next on immigration? What should Democrats do?:
- Washington Post: Trump’s tweet on immigration could undermine House Republicans as they try to pass a bill today
- Politico: GOP immigration push set to flop in embarrassment for Trump
- NBC News: Hours ahead of House immigration votes, Trump questions point of passing the bills
- CNN: Every immigration option faces roadblocks in Congress as GOP leaders scramble to find votes
- New York Times: Defense Dept. to Help Justice Dept. Prosecute Immigration Cases
What can we do?:
- go.Crooked.com/Families
- Vox: Nationwide protests against Trump’s family separation policy planned for June 30
Health Care:
- Wall Street Journal: Conservatives Make New Push to Repeal Affordable Care Act
- LA Times: As midterms approach, conservatives and GOP again attempt to destroy Obamacare
- Think Progress: Republicans renew attempts to repeal Obamacare
House GOP will vote on budget to privatize Medicare, cut Medicaid, cut Social Security:
- Washington Post: House GOP plan would cut Medicare, Medicaid to balance budget
- Politico: House GOP budget sets up massive safety net cuts, Obamacare repeal bid
- Texas Tribune: Poll: Texans say legislators need to make health care a priority
- TCPalm.com: Health care, Social Security uppermost in Floridians’ minds, according to AARP/Politico poll
What does this tell us about what a Republican Congress post-Nov would do?:
- Washington Post: Trump administration expands use of health plans that skirt ACA consumer protections
- Bloomberg: House GOP Unveils Budget to Fast-Track Tax Cuts, End Obamacare
Stacey Abrams:
- @staceyabrams
- Campaign Website: Stacey Abrams for Governor
- Atlanta Journal-Constitution: On separating migrant families, a sharp difference from Georgia gov candidates
- AP News: Secret recording, unpaid loan stir race for Georgia governor
- New York Times: Candidate for Georgia Governor Bought Condo From Lobbyist
- Atlanta Journal-Constitution: Secret recording shows Cagle backed ‘bad’ bill to hurt gov race rival
- New York Times: Stacey Abrams Didn’t Play It Safe. Neither Do These Female Candidates
- New York Times: There Are Two Georgias. One Just Made History
- New Yorker: Stacey Abrams Makes History in the Georgia Primary
- Washington Post: Democrat Stacey Abrams just made history in Georgia’s governor’s race. But can she actually win?
- New York Times: Stacey Abrams Wins Georgia Democratic Primary for Governor, Making History
- Vox: Stacey Abrams’s Georgia primary victory is the latest win for black political organizing
- Salon: Debt, jail and government cheese: Stacey Abrams thinks she can turn Georgia blue by getting real
- FiveThirtyEight: Can Stacey Abrams really turn Georgia blue?
- The Cut: Stacey Abrams’s Win Is Just the Beginning
- Marietta Daily Journal: Q&A: Stacey Abrams talks incentives, guns and education
- The Atlanta Journal-Constitution: Stacey Abrams outlines higher education plan for Georgia
- PBS NewsHour: Stacey Abrams: ‘Democrats can’t win by pretending to be Republicans’
- New York Times: After Winning in Georgia, Stacey Abrams Says She’s ‘Ready to Get to Work’
- Rolling Stone: What Happens in Georgia Could Have National Implications for Years to Come
- Teen Vogue: Stacey Abrams, Candidate to Become Georgia’s Governor, Talks Fear, Failure, and Power
- Mother Jones: America Has Never Had a Black Woman Governor. Stacey Abrams Has Something to Say About That.
- The New Yorker: Stacey Abrams, the Candidate for Georgia Governor Who Could Make History
- Fortune: Commentary: My $200,000 in Debt Should Not Disqualify Me For Governor of Georgia